Windows & Doors

At Sal Cesario Contracting Inc. we have several options to fit the needs of your home for your windows and doors. With over 30 years of experience, we have strong expertise when it comes to installations, repairs, and quality. We ensure all of our customers that we only supply you with the best products and services. Style, quality, durability, and longevity are just a few of the things you can expect when you call us for your window and door installation and repairs.

Sal Cesario Contracting Inc. also works directly with Manitoba Hydro. Manitoba Hydro offers the Home Energy Efficiency Loan, which is a convenient and affordable financing option if you want to make energy efficiency upgrades to your home. The monthly payment is added to your energy bill and no down payment is required. How can you get this? Well, just ask us to determine if your project is eligible for financing and we will help you complete the loan application.

Call us at (204)-895-2636 or click here for a free estimate.